Each child is endowed with a unique potential – an infinite one. Our pedagogy, iLLUME, is designed to help the child realize their unique abilities in a systematic, synergetic, and self-paced manner. Through iLLUME, we help the children to discover their own individual learning style and achieve the desired learning outcomes, in sync with the high-level social, emotional, linguistic, and other developmental milestones.
We envision, nurture, develop, and enable today's children as tomorrow's leaders. Read more about the Golden Five-Point Kidzee Edges here A dedicated scheme of structured learning every year, combined.
A dedicated scheme of structured learning every year, combined with a regular, frequent, systematic regime of workshops, seminars and knowledge sharing sessions by subject matter experts and field specialists, empower the Kidzee teachers to become premium-quality facilitators, if not first-grade ECCE (Early Childhood Care & Education) experts. Our training mechanism is designed to arm teachers with practical and effective techniques, which are easy to incorporate with children.
Each child is endowed with a unique potential – an infinite one. Our pedagogy, Interactive iLLUME, is designed to help the child realize her unique abilities in a systematic, synergetic, and self-pa.
iLLUME kit, which is a part of every Kidzee, is chosen by Kidzee team of experts to ensure that it stimulates all the intelligences of a child and provides her with multiple pathways to enhance learning. The focus is on providing learning aids that help the child to explore and learn in ways that interest her. Feedback is shared with the parents on regular intervals wherein areas for further development are identified and mutually agreed upon, thereby supporting the child in multiple ways.
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